Six transdisciplinary themes of global significance provide the framework for exploration and study:
- who we are
- where we are in place and time
- how we express ourselves
- how the world works
- sharing the planet
- how we organise ourselves.
Teachers are guided by these six transdisciplinary themes as they design units of inquiry that both transcend and articulate conventional subject boundaries.
Source: accessed 1/5/2012
This year, the Units of Inquiry in Year 1 at Cornish College that align with the transdisciplinary themes are:
* Who we are - I'm In Charge
* Where we are in place and time - Going Places
* How we express ourselves - Magical Tales
* How the world works - Let There Be Light
* Sharing the planet - Little Creatures, Big Wonders
* Sharing the planet - Little Creatures, Big Wonders
* How we organise ourselves - Lots Of People Lots Of Needs
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