A very big thank you to Moana, Will's mother, who came and spoke to the Year 1s about her experience living in an indigenous community in the Northern Territory. The children noticed many similarities and differences in resources between this community and our own and also discussed influences that affected the community. The students loved learning more about the indigenous culture and way of life.
On Monday there is a Dress Rehearsal for the Christmas Concert. Students must bring their costume in a named plastic bag to change into before the rehearsal. Students will already be wearing their blue sports shorts and white runners and socks, so in their bag they will need their "Christmassy" t-shirt (for both boys and girls) and a red, green or white cap for the boys. Girls do not bring tinsel for their hair for the dress rehearsal. If they choose to wear this they only require it for the performance evening.
The Year 1 Swimming Program runs next week on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 1S' session begins at 11am at the pool and 1M's at 11.45am each day. Each swimming session goes for 45 minutes. Each day the children need to come to school wearing their Sports Uniform with their bathers on underneath. In a separate bag they need to bring their towel, cap, goggles and underwear. All children must wear a swimming cap in the pool. You are more than welcome to come and meet your child's class at the pool and watch the swimming session.
Orientation Morning is on next Tuesday. Students will come to their Year 1 classroom in the morning, where we will take the roll and then head to the gym as a whole class. They will then learn of their Year 2 class for 2015 and will spend the first half of the day, up until 12.30pm, enjoying the orientation program.
Primary Information Evening will take place next Tuesday evening. This event is for parents only. The evening will begin at 7pm with the classrooms being open as an opportunity for you to meet your child's classroom teacher for 2015. At 7.30pm Mr. Bolger will welcome and address all new parents in the gym, and at 7.50pm we will move to the Sustainability Centre for a Primary Years Orientation for all new parents.
As part of our current unit of inquiry we have identified the importance of people working in order to contribute to their community. In the final weeks of this unit the students will be raising money for two community organisations by doing chores around the home. With this in mind, the children will be negotiating with you some chores they can complete to earn money. Each child will have a goal of raising $10 ($5 of this will go to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation and $5 to the Chelsea Uniting Church Christmas Hamper Appeal.) We are hoping the children will be using and honing their skills in negotiation, following through on responsibilities, being reliable, as well as developing their numeracy skills involving the days of week and counting money. The children will be providing you with more information regarding this early next week.
There will be no Show & Share next week.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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