Friday, 21 February 2014

Week 4 Round Up

The Year 1s have enjoyed a very busy week 4. Their visit to Casey Safety Village was most successful and hopefully they have been sharing their safety knowledge with you. A special thanks to the 8 brilliant parent helpers who joined us on this excursion.

Could each child please bring a shoebox (with a lid) to school no later than Monday 3rd March? As we are creating dioramas any small, clean recycled objects will also be gratefully accepted e.g. small yoghurt tubs, boxes, drink bottle lids etc.

Thank you to everyone who is listening to their child read and then signing their record book. We check their record books everyday and it is important that it is signed. If your child has a particularly lengthy book please don't feel that it has to be read all in one night - it can be read over several nights, just record what page they have read up to on that particular evening.

The children have already been discussing their Show and Share for this coming week. It comprises 2-3 tasks.

  1. Share their home address.
  2. Share their telephone number - no pressure here, only if they feel that they would like to.
  3. Share a time when they required first aid treatment or they observed someone else having first aid administered to them. They should briefly describe how the accident occurred, what the injury was and how the first aider treated it.
There will be no Show and Share during the following week (week 6.)

Finally, a friendly reminder that the jumper is not an outer garment for travelling to and from school. If your child is wearing their jumper to school then they must also wear their blazer. 

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