Saturday, 15 February 2014

Year 1s are knowledgeable!

Year Ones are now exploring the concept of being knowledgeable. To support our understanding of
this concept, the children's Show and Share this week involves them sharing something that they are knowledgeable about. They can talk about anything that they know something about - it could be a subject like dinosaurs or trains, it could be a sport or activity that they participate in, it could be a hobby, it could be a place or a family interest.

Thank you for helping the students with last week's Show and Share. We all enjoyed hearing, seeing and discussing their balanced meals and the children were really proud to share a little bit of their home life with us.

A few housekeeping matters…..

  • Could you please ensure that your child's iPad comes to school every day and is fully charged. It is an unrealistic expectation to expect them to remember to independently charge it each night and then pack it in the morning. However they can certainly make this part of their packing and unpacking routine with your assistance.
  • Several children in each class do not have hats. This means that they are not allowed out on the playground. Please check that they do have a hat.
  • Record books are now up and running. We check them everyday. In particular we check them to see that you have listened to and signed their nightly reading. If it has not been signed then we assume that your child has not read the previous evening. Could you please ensure that you are signing their record book each day?
  • Wellbeing and Communication Interviews are being held this week. The purpose of this interview is for you to tell us all about your child. We do not discuss any academic progress at this interview. Thank you to everyone who has made a time to speak with us. If you haven't already done so please contact the office to organise a meeting time.
  • Finally there have been a few late addition apps that have been added by specialist teachers. All of them are free and will be automatically pushed out to your chid's iPad over this week by the College App Management System. Below is an overview of how that happens;

  • A pop up window will appear on your child's iPad indicating that there is an App ready for download. 
  • You will be prompted to enter your iTunes password. This will be at no charge. This process is repeated for each App. 
  • If you have set your iTunes password to stay current for a period of time you will not have to re-enter it after each App.
  • Please remember to change this iTunes setting back to 'ask for a password every time' after all of the Apps are loaded.
  • If an App is cancelled or overlooked it will be available again when the apps are next pushed out. 
    • The App page on the blog has been updated accordingly. If you are having any trouble loading the apps please speak to your classroom teacher. 
    • The children need to wear their sports uniform on Wednesday for our excursion.

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