Friday, 21 March 2014

Risk Takers

One of the Learner profiles that we are exploring in our current unit is being a risk-taker. So for Show and Share this week we would like the children to share a time that they were a risk-taker. How did they feel before they tackled the task or situation, how did they feel afterwards and what did they learn? There will be no Show and Share in the final week of term.

Many of the students have expressed an interest in meditating at home with the iBook that we use in class. This is the link to the iBook if you would like to purchase it and use it at home.

We are now starting to use our larger apps such as Keynote and Pages in class. Unfortunately many of the children are experiencing difficulty using them due to the amount of home apps they have on their iPad. Could you please take a moment to check that you have all of the required school apps (some children still do not have them all!) and that their iPad is clean. The iPads also need to come to school each day and be fully charged - we do not charge them at school nor do we lend them our iPad.

As part of our current unit of inquiry, 'Going Places', the Year 1s will be travelling to Melbourne on Wednesday 30th April. This is a full day excursion where the children will experience a range of transport. We will require 6 parent helpers - 3 from each class. If you are interested please email your class teacher.

As of Term 2 the grounds at Cornish start to get a bit muddy. We like to go wandering around our beautiful school and gumboots ensure that our shoes stay nice and dry. Please bring in a pair of gumboots for your child that can be left at school during the first week of Term 2.

Thank you to everyone who has come and looked at the children's Summative Assessment Task for our previous unit 'I'm In Charge'. This will be the final week that they will be on display so please pop in and have a look if you haven't already done so.

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