Wednesday, 4 June 2014

MAD Week is coming!

MAD (Make A Difference) Week is fast approaching! MAD Week is a wonderful opportunity for parents and other family members and friends to be involved in helping the children to make a difference in the Cornish College community.

During this week the Year 1s will be creating an indigenous plant trail here at school. This will involve researching and creating permanent labels for many of the native plants and trees. Each label will display the plant name and explain how this plant was originally used by indigenous people. In order to do this effectively we will require lots of helpers!

We welcome any parents, family members or friends who would like to assist us on any days, from 9am – 11am on Monday 23rd-Thursday 26th June. Please let your child’s classroom teacher know if you would like to help.

Also, we are currently looking for a sign design which will be permanent and stand up to weather conditions. Ideally, we would like printed metal signs similar to the one below. We need to source galvanised steel signs and printing/engraving.

If anyone has any contacts who may be able to help us further in this area, please let us know.

Have a wonderful long weekend!

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