Friday, 22 August 2014

Book Week 2014

What a brilliant Book Week! We were so lucky to visit the Lynley Dodd Exhibition at the Mornington Regional Gallery on Wednesday. The children loved every minute of it. As part of Book Week, the students have been invited to participate in the stuffed pet parade which will be judged on Wednesday. The children need to bring their toy in on Monday or Tuesday to register them and then the winners will be on display on Wednesday.

We are off to visit the Melbourne Museum and IMAX cinema on Wednesday to kick off our new unit "Little Creatures, Big Wonders." We are aiming to leave at 8.50 a.m. so please arrive at school by 8.40 a.m. The children should be in full Winter uniform and have a small backpack containing their lunch, snack and water.

There is no Show and Share this week as we are presenting our Light Posters. These posters are amazing - the children devised their own questions and then researched and answered them using a range of resources. Once the children have received feedback from their classmates, the posters will be displayed in the shared area. Please pop in and admire all of their hard work.

If you haven't returned your Fathers Day Breakfast RSVP could you please do so ASAP.

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