Saturday, 30 August 2014

Bug hunting!

Our new unit of inquiry titled "Little Creatures, Big Wonders" commenced this week and has been embraced by the students with huge enthusiasm. The children have been out exploring the grounds and discovering all sorts of creatures.

The Melbourne Museum and IMAX excursion was a terrific way to consolidate both our light knowledge and introduce us to the fantastic world of invertebrates. A big thank you to our marvellous parent helpers.

We would also like to thank Paul Hirst who visited us recently and shared his extensive knowledge on electricity and light. Many of the students incorporated parts of his presentation into their light posters.

There will be no Show & Share this week as we are still busily presenting our light posters and completing unit reflections. Show and Share for Weeks 9 & 10 will focus on invertebrates that the students have observed either in their back yard or when they are out and about. Remember that invertebrates aren't just found on land. The students need to tell the class their invertebrate's special features and why they think they may have them e.g. a stick insect uses camouflage to protect itself from predators. They have a great app on their iPads - Melbourne Museum Field Guide, which should help them to identify most locally found invertebrates. The app does have quite a lot of writing in it, so they may need your assistance to help navigate the pages.

Please ensure that we have received your RSVP for the Fathers' Day Breakfast by Monday morning as we are finalising our catering needs.

Finally the Year 4 – 6 Primary Production 'Alice – A Short Film' - a premieres September 11 and 12 over 3 screenings. Please see 'Parent notices' on College Website for more details. Tickets available from

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