Thursday, 30 October 2014

Term 4 is off and running!

What a wonderful Sports Morning we had this week! It was great to see such enthusiastic participation and teamwork from the children.

A reminder that all students must wear their school hat when out in the yard. Please ensure your child has their hat at school each day.

Swimming Program and Story Dogs notices need to be returned, as soon as possible, to your child's classroom teacher please .

There will be no Show & Share next week as it is a short week. For Show & Share in Week 5, we would like each student to talk about different communities they belong to (for example, a dance school, sporting club, church).

Another reminder that iPads must come to school fully charged. The students are currently using these for longer periods each day to complete a specific learning task.

It has already been an extremely busy year and we have yet another busy term. Your child may benefit from going to bed half an hour earlier on some nights to ensure they are well-rested for the next day.

Enjoy a wonderful long weekend!

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