The Grand Opening of the Indigenous Plant Trail on Tuesday afternoon was a fantastic celebration of this exciting project! Mr Bolger cut the ribbon and declared the trail officially open and all of the students did a fantastic job of introducing their plant and explaining its indigenous uses. Thank you to everyone who joined us on Tuesday and another huge thank you to all parents and grandparents who assisted the students during MAD Week to research and create their signs. Many teachers and students have already used the trail and expressed what a great job the Year 1s have done! We encourage you to explore the trail for yourselves, if you haven't already.
Next week is Enviroweek. All students at Cornish have been encouraged to take up one of the Enviroweek 'Smart Ways to Live' challenges in order to live more sustainably.
See the Smart Ways to Live video
Each Year 1 student has chosen a challenge. Please discuss your child's chosen challenge with them to help them decide how they will fulfil this. Perhaps you would like to take up a Smart Way to Live challenge as a family.
Next Tuesday students will have the opportunity to purchase poppies and wristbands for Remembrance Day. The MAD Leaders will be visiting our classroom selling these. Items will be $2, $3 and $4.
You may have heard about the fantastic ‘Bottle for Botol’ enterprise that the VCE Business Management class at Cornish has been involved in to actively ‘make a difference’. Bottle for Botol is a non -profit social enterprise, which aims to empower students worldwide to move beyond single-use plastics towards an environmentally sustainable future. The dream of Bottle for Botol is to link Australia and Indonesian schools in cross-cultural environmental discussions, where students come together to brainstorm ways to solve their local environmental issues. The plan is to achieve this by selling stainless steel water bottles, one-for-one. For every purchase of a stainless steel water bottle in Australia, a ‘botol ‘will be donated to a student in Indonesia. These bottles are printed with a unique logo designed by the students and have a special friendship message attached to them hand-written by the students in Indonesia. For more information please see the Bottle for Botol website:
The VCE Business class has taken on the challenge to sell
650 bottles. Once all of these bottles
are sold every student at our partnership school in Bali will be given a
bottle. Everyone in our school
community is encouraged to become involved in this very worthwhile
project. You can buy a bottle for $20
from the front office. Order forms are
available on the school website.
Prep - 2 Sports Morning is on Friday 31st October. Your child will need to wear their Sports uniform to school on this day.
Show and Share for this week relates to our next unit of inquiry titled 'Lots of People, Lots of Needs'. We have started looking at the difference between 'needs' and 'wants'. For Show and Share we would like each student to talk about the thing they 'want' most.
Enjoy the sunshine!
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