Sunday, 12 October 2014

Welcome to Term 4!!

Welcome back! We hope you and your families have all had a wonderfully relaxing break.

A reminder that students are required to wear Summer Uniform during Term 4, and are also required to wear their school hat when out in the yard.

During her visit to Botswana, Mrs Jenkins' distributed the stationery that you all kindly donated. It was gratefully accepted and she will be visiting our classrooms early this term to tell us more about her experiences.

We are extremely excited to announce the official opening of the Indigenous Plant Trail this term!! The students worked so hard during MAD Week to produce their amazing and informative plant signs which have now been printed and are ready to install. The grand opening will take place on Tuesday the 21st of October at 2:15pm.  We are hoping that Mr Bolger and Ms Forrest will be joining us to officiate the opening. We would love it if parents would also like to join us for this event. This will involve walking around the property in order to "plant" the signs, so please wear suitable walking shoes. Please let your child's classroom teacher know if you will be coming to this event.

Please see the updated App List and ensure the required app for Term 4 is downloaded into your child's iPad. We have also included a list of apps that may be deleted.

Looking forward to yet another exciting and action-packed term!!

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