Thursday, 16 October 2014

Creativity abounds in Year 1!

All of the children have returned from their holidays cheerful and rested and have settled well into Term 4. The children have already had an exciting start to the term! They thoroughly enjoyed our Invertebrates Drama Workshop on Wednesday where we saw some very fine acting skills as they explored what it would be like to be an invertebrate living in the garden. With the help of some colourful costumes the students were transformed into scutttling slaters and spiders, wriggly worms and caterpillars, vibrant butterflies and ladybirds, leaping crickets and zooming dragonflies! 

The grand opening of our Indigenous Plant Trail will take place next Tuesday the 21st of October at 2:15pm.  We would love it if parents would like to join us for this event. This will involve walking around the property in order to "plant" the signs, so please wear suitable walking shoes and a sunhat. Please let your child's classroom teacher know if you will be coming.

By this time of year we strongly encourage the students to further develop and demonstrate their independence and ability to be responsible for their own belongings. Please encourage your child to pack their own school bag in the morning, if they don't already. We have many shoe-lace-tying experts already in Year 1! If your child is still mastering this skill please encourage them to continue to practise. It may take a little extra time, but mastering skills such as these helps to develop independent and confident young people.

Have a wonderful and sunny weekend!

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