Monday, 21 April 2014

Welcome to Term 2!

We hope you and your families have enjoyed a relaxing Easter break! We have another action-packed term ahead! To clarify, Term 2 commences on Day 8 (Wednesday, Week 2) of the timetable.

As the wet-weather is upon us, students will need to bring a pair of gumboots to school. Please ensure these are clearly labelled with your child's name.

Show and Share will begin again in Week 2 with a holiday theme. We would like the children to share something they did during their holidays. They may also like to bring in a photo or souvenir to show the class.

As part of our 'Going Places' unit of inquiry, our Melbourne Excursion will take place on Wednesday 30th March. We will be traveling into the city and experiencing various forms of transport. A reminder that students are required to wear their sports uniform on this day. Each child will need to bring a waterproof jacket/raincoat in case of wet weather. Please note, the sports uniform spray jacket is not a sufficient raincoat. Students will also need to bring their snack, lunch, drink and a spare plastic bag in a small backpack. For this specific day, it would be best if food is packed in disposable packaging (e.g. paper bag, zip-lock bag).

Shortly we will commence our 'Going Places' Summative Assessment Task. The children will require recycled materials to construct models (e.g. small boxes, containers). If you have any materials to donate please leave them on the bench outside 1M’s classroom or give them to your classroom teacher.

Thank you to everyone who has already returned their Term 2 Parent Authority Form. These are now due, please ensure they are returned promptly.

Student Progress Meetings are conducted in the second and third week of term and you will need to request a time preference for these as soon as possible.

We look forward to an exciting Term 2!

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