Thursday, 22 May 2014

Year 1s love to read!

The students have been very excited to begin our ‘How we express ourselves’ unit of inquiry titled ‘Magical Tales’. Show and Share will remain the same for Week 6. Students have been asked to bring in a book of a favourite fairy-tale, fable or tale to share with the class. They need to identify and explain the characters in the story, what the problem is and how it is resolved.

We are also aware that some students may have stories at home that are from different cultures and are not written in English. If this is the case we would like to invite any interested parents to visit your child’s classroom to read and translate a story that you have from another culture to the class. Please let us know if you are interested, we would love to have your input!

As of next week, the school will begin our volunteer role for an animal rescue service – feeding 16 one-week-old lambs! A feeding roster is being organised and each Year 1 class will assist in feeding the lambs approximately twice a week. This feeding session will coincide with your child’s Sport days, so that they are wearing their Sports uniform. Please ensure your child now has a pair of gumboots at school. We would love some parent helpers to assist us in this activity. Our specific feeding session times are still to be advised, but please let your child’s classroom teacher know if you are interested and we will keep you informed.

Have a lovely weekend!

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